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Function for rendering representative sequence plots with ggplot2 wickham2016ggseqplot instead of base R's plot function that is used by TraMineR::seqplot gabadinho2011ggseqplot.


  group = NULL,
  criterion = "density",
  coverage = 0.25,
  nrep = NULL,
  pradius = 0.1,
  dmax = NULL,
  border = FALSE,
  proportional = TRUE,
  weighted = TRUE,
  stats = TRUE,
  colored.stats = NULL,
  facet_ncol = NULL



State sequence object (class stslist) created with the TraMineR::seqdef function.


pairwise dissimilarities between sequences in seqdata (see TraMineR::seqdist)


A vector of the same length as the sequence data indicating group membership. When not NULL, a distinct plot is generated for each level of group.


the representativeness criterion for sorting the candidate list. One of "freq" (sequence frequency), "density" (neighborhood density), "mscore" (mean state frequency), "dist" (centrality) and "prob" (sequence likelihood). See details.


coverage threshold, i.e., minimum proportion of sequences that should have a representative in their neighborhood (neighborhood radius is defined by pradius).


number of representative sequences. If NULL (default), the size of the representative set is controlled by coverage.


neighborhood radius as a percentage of the maximum (theoretical) distance dmax. Defaults to 0.1 (10%). Sequence \(y\) is redundant to sequence \(x\) when it is in the neighborhood of \(x\), i.e., within a distance pradius*dmax from \(x\).


maximum theoretical distance. The dmax value is used to derive the neighborhood radius as pradius*dmax. If NULL, the value of dmax is derived from the dissimilarity matrix.


if TRUE bars are plotted with black outline; default is FALSE (also accepts NULL)


if TRUE (default), the sequence heights are displayed proportional to the number of represented sequences


Controls if weights (specified in TraMineR::seqdef) should be used. Default is TRUE, i.e. if available weights are used


if TRUE (default), mean discrepancy in each subset defined by all sequences attributed to one representative sequence and the mean distance to this representative sequence are displayed.


specifies if representatives in stats plot should be color coded; only recommended if number of representatives is small; if set to NULL (default) colors are used if n rep. <= 10; use TRUE or FALSE to change manually


specifies the number of columns in the plot (relevant if !is.null(group))


A representative sequence plot using ggplot.


The representative sequence plot displays a set of distinct sequences as sequence index plot. The set of representative sequences is extracted from the sequence data by an internal call of TraMineR::seqrep according to the criteria listed in the arguments section above.

The extracted sequences are plotted by a call of ggseqiplot which uses ggplot2::geom_rect to render the sequences. If stats = TRUE the index plots are complemented by information on the "quality" of the representative sequences. For further details on representative sequence plots see gabadinho2011a;textualggseqplot and the documentation of TraMineR::plot.stslist.rep, TraMineR::seqplot, and TraMineR::seqrep.

Note that ggseqrplot uses patchwork to combine the different components of the plot. If you want to adjust the appearance of the composed plot, for instance by changing the plot theme, you should consult the documentation material of patchwork.



Marcel Raab


# Use examples from TraMineR
# Defining a sequence object with the data in columns 10 to 25
# (family status from age 15 to 30) in the biofam data set
# Use sample of 300 cases
biofam <- biofam[sample(nrow(biofam),150),]
biofam.lab <- c("Parent", "Left", "Married", "Left+Marr",
"Child", "Left+Child", "Left+Marr+Child", "Divorced")
biofam.seq <- seqdef(biofam, 10:25, labels=biofam.lab)
#>  [>] 8 distinct states appear in the data: 
#>      1 = 0
#>      2 = 1
#>      3 = 2
#>      4 = 3
#>      5 = 4
#>      6 = 5
#>      7 = 6
#>      8 = 7
#>  [>] state coding:
#>        [alphabet]  [label]  [long label] 
#>      1  0           0        Parent
#>      2  1           1        Left
#>      3  2           2        Married
#>      4  3           3        Left+Marr
#>      5  4           4        Child
#>      6  5           5        Left+Child
#>      7  6           6        Left+Marr+Child
#>      8  7           7        Divorced
#>  [>] 150 sequences in the data set
#>  [>] min/max sequence length: 16/16

# Computing the distance matrix
biofam.dhd <- seqdist(biofam.seq, method="DHD")
#>  [>] 150 sequences with 8 distinct states
#>  [>] creating a 'sm' with the costs derived from the transition rates
#>  [>] creating time varying substitution-cost matrix using transition rates ...
#>  [>] computing time varying transition probabilities for states 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 ...
#>  [>] 103 distinct  sequences 
#>  [>] min/max sequence lengths: 16/16
#>  [>] computing distances using the DHD metric
#>  [>] elapsed time: 0.03 secs

# Representative sequence  plot (using defaults)
# ... with TraMineR::seqplot
seqrplot(biofam.seq, diss = biofam.dhd)
#>  [>] number of objects (sum of weights): 150
#>  [>] max. distance: 63.7
#>  [>] neighborhood radius: 6.37
#>  [>] 4 representative(s) selected, coverage=26% (threshold=25%)
#>  [>] 103 distinct sequence(s)

# ... with ggseqrplot
ggseqrplot(biofam.seq, diss = biofam.dhd)
#>  [>] number of objects (sum of weights): 150
#>  [>] max. distance: 63.7
#>  [>] neighborhood radius: 6.37
#>  [>] 4 representative(s) selected, coverage=26% (threshold=25%)
#>  [>] 103 distinct sequence(s)